Tuesday, November 4, 2008

YES today is the day

If you have voted please leave a comment or if you are not 18 just leave a comment saying your parents did or one of your siblings did :D ! If you have not voted YOUR LATE GO VOTE NOW! The polls start closing at 7:00pm your vote may not seem like much......at first but I can not vote this year so I am trying to help by letting people know that there is not much time left! I'm not asking you to vote more then once PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!
So, today I am hoping to get more comments than ever !


Nikki said...

My parents and my sister Deanna have voted! pretty soon I will be posting about a really exciting thing tht happend to me yesturday, so Keep checking it out!
Every vote does count, this is to you all even if you are under 18, GO VOTE TODAY!!! And if you can't vote 'cause you can't because you are not 18 well then tell your parents and siblings how important voting is! WE need a change, and as christians we need to go vote for, JOHN MCCAIN AND SARAH PALIN!!!!!!

Kendall said...

my mom and dad, and Nate And Brittany voted today. go McCain!